What is the Tax Appeal Board?

The Tax Appeal Board hears complaints and appeals regarding the decisions and rulings of the taxation authority in Trinidad & Tobago

Tax Appeal Court Protocols

The following protocols are to be observed when in attendance at the Tax Appeal Court:

  • For each court day there is a standard starting time of 9:00AM, except on occasion when the Court has ordered an alternative time for a matter to be heard
  • Cell phone usage is not allowed in court
  • The Honourable Chairman and Members are to be referred to as “Your Honour” or “Your Honours” respectively when being addressed in Court
  • All appellants, respondents or their respective representatives are to stand while addressing the Honourable Chairman or Members in Court
  • Formal business attire is the accepted dress decorum while appearing in Court.

Daily Court List

Daily Court Lists are displayed on our Court List page in MS Excel format. Please note the following:

  • Matters may not always follow chronological order as outlined in the lists displayed but may be adjusted as the Court sees fit
  • Correspondingly, all Court parties are mandated to await the court announcement of their individual matter, by speaker or alternative direction by the Court’s bailiff, before entering the courtroom
  • Please be advised to peruse the court list on a daily basis as it may sometimes be subject to unexpected and singular change(s) from one court day to the next, as the occasion may arise
  • When such a situation occurs, every attempt will be made to contact ALL parties in the relevant matters prior to court sitting to advise of such change(s)
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