Employees of the Tax Appeal Board

The Registrar: Mr. Dushant Persad Maharaj

Currently, the post of Registrar of the Tax Appeal Board is held by Mr. Dushant Persad Maharaj.

Mr. Persad Maharaj assumed the post of Registrar on February 1st, 2007. Prior to this, Mr. Persad Maharaj served as the Registrar of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal of the Turks and Caicos Islands where he worked alongside Mr. Christopher Gardner QC, the Chief Justice of that British Overseas Territory.

He also worked with then Lord Justice of Appeal, Sir Robin Auld QC and the Honourable Mr. Geoffrey Martin, Chief Justice of St. Helena who collectively acted as Chief Justice of the same during the hiatus of Chief Justice Gardner.

Mr. Persad Maharaj was a recipient of a Commonwealth Scholarship to the University of Dundee in 2009, which afforded him the opportunity to undertake a Postgraduate Degree (LL.M) in Petroleum Law and Policy which he completed in January 2011. He also possesses an Executive MBA from the University of the West Indies.

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